A person's life is composed of repitious actions. In a single day: wake up, get ready, eat, go to work or school, eat, come home, eat, leisure or more work, personal care routine, sleep, repeat. No wonder Solomon called everything a vanity. That pattern does not paint the whole picture though, merely shows how somethings are done and redone over and over again over a lifetime. Not everyone has the same pattern, but every person on earth has a pattern of repetitive tasks, thoughts, et cetera.
When thinking about the thoughts and lives of an individual and then zooming out and observing how each individual's life plays into the next and how humanity is a whole interconnected ...something, it is somewhat astounding. The world is so small and so big all at the same time. It is a bit much for my mind to comprehend.
...alright I'll quit pondering and get back to math.
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