Sunshine and nature; music and dancing:
Sole e natura; musica e ballare:
Sonnenschein und Natur; Musik und Tanzen:
surefire ways to bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart.
People should neither be racist or race blind. Crassness and hypersensitivity are not functional for everyday wear.
Tis the season for caldo beve, which do not promote optimum health, but do delight the senses. Pictured is hot cocoa with snipped marshmellows topped with grated chocolate.
I long to smell orange and other seasonal smells. Made a pumpkin pie - first one of the year - and promptly gave it away. Was happy to do so, yet sad since there was not one waiting for me at home...this provoked obsessive thoughts about making and eating pies <inspired by the movie Waitress (five stars)>. The exception this time is the plan is to substitute cream cheese for the evaporated milk (note: thanksgiving and christmas are about enjoying food and not about avoiding gaining weight because that is a definite fail plan). Went to Hyvee and made sure to pick up Jonathan apples for a crumb top apple pie, the cashier was an exceptionally nice girl about my age and I imagine she would be a nice person to be friends with.
The humble river city actually has its own little store of culture. Little by little I am discovering it. The Figge had a live ballet performance that was very intimate and raw. Felt a little guilty since the poor music system the classical music was coming through made me long to be all dressed up at a symphony, ochestra, or opera. The current art exhibits were wide ranging, being alone in a large museum looking at all sorts of art work is a unique experience. In the silence of observation I started to gain a better appreciate for abstract paintings. I just know there are interesting people lurking in this area that I hope to meet; I refuse to believe that every weekend is reserved for beer drinking, booze cruising back country roads and country sing alongs.
Please excuse me for writing so much in this blogpost, who has time to read it...let alone write it?
Anyway I still have more thoughts to "put out there". Fiction, depending on the topic, has the unrelenting ability to consume my eyes and push every other priority to the side for days and nights until the front to back has been completely scanned and absorbed, only to furthmore occupy my ponderings for the next day as well. psch ridiculous weaknesses. The most recent has been The Mercy of Thin Air by Ronlyn Domingue, fantastico libro.
Coco before Chanel was a really good movie, well directed with the appropriate focus.
Musically, !Kate Nash! and !The Kooks! are superb English audible artists.
If some individual makes this a reality, this is proof here that I thought of it too, if not first...fonts really are not adaptable, expressive, personal enough...a program to capture handwriting is needed.
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