Monday, December 13, 2010


As promised, I made a peach-a-berry pie, we ate it before I could get a camera to capture it, it was good but not as good as my apple pie.  Three and half to four stars, the recipe needs tweaked. 

The two pictures above are beautiful but would be too cliche to paint. Here's a few images I'd like to make as paintings:::
1. Watercolor (eliminate visual clutter) really simple with focus on light and color.
2. Oil (very large, maybe 2.5' x 4') thick with pallet knife
Photo taken by my friend Lauren in Missouri. 3. Watercolor or acrylic (washy and moody like the picture)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bad Baby Pie

Dear loyal readers who do not exist yet,

Pie is on the top ten of comfort food [for years my favorite meal was potpie >leftover roast, carrots, potatoes, onion, gravy concealed in a flaky crust<] If love is shared through food, what is a better food than pie? I love to make pie and eat pie, I even like magpies.

As mentioned in the last post, pumpkin pie, like pecan pie, is a Thanksgiving go-to. In my opinion -- squash over nuts. In the process of baking it is helpful to think of things you are thankful for, generate a feeling of love in your heart imagining love going into the food, and always stir clockwise.

It all starts with the crust...
Apple cider vinegar} Colder the better, makes for a flaky crust
Roll from center out always maintaining a circle. Do not use too much flour, just enough to keep from sticking to surface and rolling pin. A little ticker than an 1/8 inch is good, should appear slightly translucent.
This makes three crusts.

:Pumpkin Pie:
Bake at 375 (reduce for glass pie dish) for 40-50 minutes.
Libby’s canned pumpkin
2 large eggs
1/8 - 1/4 cup Andersen’s regular Eggnog
8 oz. Cream cheese
Ground cloves} tweak to taste

:Apple Pie:
Bake at 375 for 30 minutes.

6 cups Jonathan apples peeled and sliced
4 T lemon juice
1/2 cup sugar (unrefined)
1/4 tsp ginger

It all ends with the crumb topping...

1 cup sugar (unrefined)
1 cup flour (all-purpose)
1/2 cup + couple Ts (soften but not runny and add butter until consistency is right)
3/4 tsp cinnamon

Whisk dry ingredients and cut in butter.

Next I shall make a Peach-a-Berry pie from!

Monday, November 22, 2010

"To make it to the day, we gotta dance all through the night."

She looks and has the voice of a little child, but there is something cool about it. Sheep farmer gone musician. Ghost dance by Nicole Reynolds has unique lyrics that make me care to attentively listen and the sound makes me feel like a gypsy. Good stuff, thanks Pandora.

i'll kill my corn and cabbage
before fall, what a savage
every little thing we do
is a sacrifice
to make it to the day
we have to make it through
the night

ghost dance on the hill
in the middle of the night
i'm bringing back my uncle
he's been buried alive
the ocean is the ocean
and the ocean,
it'll swallow you whole
i know he won't come back
but that dancin
it feels good in my soul

a river like me will
thaw in the spring
release all my captive
leaves and things
i'll throw you a fish
if you wish a pretty nickle
on me
a crocodile come around
i know i aint no good company

progress exists in our own
set of rules
and our own set of rules
is for a fine set of fools
for another pretty nickle
i've a riddle i could spit
in your eye
tell me when a mourning dove
could ever really get enough
to fly

i'll kill my blue summer beans
i'll tell you once again
it aint all what it seems
every little thing we do
is a compromise
to make it to the day
we have to dance all through
the night

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Sunshine and nature; music and dancing:
Sole e natura; musica e ballare:
Sonnenschein und Natur; Musik und Tanzen:
surefire ways to bring a smile to my face and joy to my heart.

People should neither be racist or race blind. Crassness and hypersensitivity are not functional for everyday wear.

    Tis the season for caldo beve, which do not promote optimum health, but do delight the senses. Pictured is hot cocoa with snipped marshmellows topped with grated chocolate. 
   I long to smell orange and other seasonal smells. Made a pumpkin pie - first one of the year - and promptly gave it away. Was happy to do so, yet sad since there was not one waiting for me at home...this provoked obsessive thoughts about making and eating pies <inspired by the movie Waitress (five stars)>. The exception this time is the plan is to substitute cream cheese for the evaporated milk (note: thanksgiving and christmas are about enjoying food and not about avoiding gaining weight because that is a definite fail plan). Went to Hyvee and made sure to pick up Jonathan apples for a crumb top apple pie, the cashier was an exceptionally nice girl about my age and I imagine she would be a nice person to be friends with.

The humble river city actually has its own little store of culture. Little by little I am discovering it. The Figge had a live ballet performance that was very intimate and raw. Felt a little guilty since the poor music system the classical music was coming through made me long to be all dressed up at a symphony, ochestra, or opera. The current art exhibits were wide ranging, being alone in a large museum looking at all sorts of art work is a unique experience. In the silence of observation I started to gain a better appreciate for abstract paintings. I just know there are interesting people lurking in this area that I hope to meet; I refuse to believe that every weekend is reserved for beer drinking, booze cruising back country roads and country sing alongs.

Please excuse me for writing so much in this blogpost, who has time to read it...let alone write it?
Anyway I still have more thoughts to "put out there".  Fiction, depending on the topic, has the unrelenting ability to consume my eyes and push every other priority to the side for days and nights until the front to back has been completely scanned and absorbed, only to furthmore occupy my ponderings for the next day as well. psch ridiculous weaknesses. The most recent has been The Mercy of Thin Air by Ronlyn Domingue, fantastico libro. 

Coco before Chanel was a really good movie, well directed with the appropriate focus. shoes this year, except for the ankle boots, are cartoonish and do not support a graceful gate or visually complimentary to the form of the foot.  Not that I would be able buy Chanel without irresponsibly depleating my financial reserves. It still remains one of my favorites, partly due to the attractive symmetry of the logo. 

Musically, !Kate Nash! and !The Kooks! are superb English audible artists.

If some individual makes this a reality, this is proof here that I thought of it too, if not first...fonts really are not adaptable, expressive, personal enough...a program to capture handwriting is needed.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Procrastination (Tales of Mere Existence)

Wow! This video is completely correct on the mental processes of a procrastinator.

PA (procrastinators anonymous) 12 steps:
step 1: look at your life patterns and admit to being a procrastinator.
step 2: join PO (procrastinators obvious), because everybody know you are procrastinator and now you do too.
step 3: make small, achievable goals with deadlines (example: 15 minutes of exercise everyday at exactly 1:00) and without fail keep your word to yourself for a week and then choose another small goal.
step 4: forgive yourself when you slip up and start again.
step 5: don't forgive yourself more than 5 times.
step 6: prioritize.
step 7: visualize and believe in becoming to person you want to be.
step 8: assess what you use a ploys for devoidance (denial + avoidance) and remove those temptations.
step 9: associate with people who are not addicted to being distracted and not getting their stuff done.
step 10: tba
step 11: tba
step 12: just listed because odd numbers are not very popular because they are not very attractive.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lissie - In Sleep (live) - Damn she is good

I pray for the opportunity to see her perform live.

Came across this website via this image when I was googling "aztec maps"::

Speaking of patterns, I am starting to see a pattern within myself ... blonde, I like blonde hair. Which is why Summer is the best time of year because my hair, with enough sun exposure, bleaches out quite nicely.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Ambition

Procrastination and "devoidance" do not lead to success. However, in the quest for success, failure can just be a stepping stone. I am tired of the poor habit patterns in my life, it is my decision to move on from them and be what I want to be and accomplish what I desire. I think I know what my purpose is ... but I don't feel the inspiration to bring forth that "inner drive", which makes me question if it is really my purpose. Question to self: what is your purpose? Why do you want to do it? Is it as complicated and concrete as you think it is or simply being a contributor of good? I am starting to feel that it is the second.

A person's life is composed of repitious actions. In a single day: wake up, get ready, eat, go to work or school, eat, come home, eat, leisure or more work, personal care routine, sleep, repeat. No wonder Solomon called everything a vanity. That pattern does not paint the whole picture though, merely shows how somethings are done and redone over and over again over a lifetime. Not everyone has the same pattern, but every person on earth has a pattern of repetitive tasks, thoughts, et cetera.

When thinking about the thoughts and lives of an individual and then zooming out and observing how each individual's life plays into the next and how humanity is a whole interconnected ...something, it is somewhat astounding. The world is so small and so big all at the same time. It is a bit much for my mind to comprehend.

...alright I'll quit pondering and get back to math.

Monday, October 25, 2010

My goodness where does this goodness come from?

I've been rebelling from following recipes for quite awhile now. My preference is to rely on inspiration and the bits of knowledge I've picked up. It would be a shame just to throw some food together because of laziness or lack of time, food must be made with intent. Tonight I did just that...actually the past two nights I've done that. First I will explain what I did with the meal pictured and then I shall share with you how to turn tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches gourmet. 

1.1 Get the steak marinating.

1.2 Potatoes:
Boil finely diced kale and cubed potatoes in water with salt and a little cayenne. Drain water once a knife inserts into a potato chuck easily (avoid getting too soft). Pour some olive oil in a skillet over med high head, brown the potatoes/kale, add salt/pepper, parsley, all purpose seasoning, when just about done add some butter for a nice brown color and additional flavor.

3. Wax beans: 
canned garden wax beans, butter, salt/pepper

4. "Baked" beans:
1 can black beans
1 can red beans
yellow mustard
grade B maple syrup
Worcestershire sauce
olive oil
lemon juice
tabasco sauce
Rinse and drain beans, combine in pan, add ingredients to make sauce (use less as the list goes down, the ketchup is the greatest and the tabasco is the least).

5. Steak:
leftover steak that had been lightly cooked. Marinade in red wine vinegar, olive oil, fresh parsley, salt/pepper while working on other parts of the meal. When potatoes are done set them aside and use skillet to heat steak. Put some olive oil in the skillet with the burner on high, when the oil is hot (be careful) poured steak and marinade in skillet, sprinkle with just enough flour, turn heat down to med low, stir, let thicken and heat up.


Tomato soup:
2 cans Campbell's tomato soup
1 can Rotell diced tomatoes and chili peppers (has a definite kick)
1 can chicken broth (instead of milk)
4 cloves garlic
1 med minced onion
T olive oil
2 t dried cilantro
{I think that is all, I cannot completely remember)

For the sandwiches, use smoked gouda, smoked cheddar, or havarti cheese.

Try wearing lace, it is very feminizing; just do not over do it.

As for MUSIC: 
The Black Keys "Set You Free" is one of my favorite songs and the bands new music video "Tighten Up" is pretty funny. I like their sense of humor. Speaking of favorite songs, "We're Going To Be Friends" by The White Stripes will never get old.
I posted the video because I do not know how to imbed them, "Boyfriend" by Best Coast has been stuck in my head

Best Coast - Boyfriend

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hearty Autumn Soup

 I'll add a list of ingredients to trigger my memory in the future before I completely forget them...
button mushrooms
butter beans
crappy white wine
chicken broth
canned cream of chicken soup

Friday, October 15, 2010

mmmushrooms...making up recipes is fun!

~Mushroom Steak Sandwich~
Leftover teriyaki steak thinly sliced
Small red onion thinly sliced
Baby portabella mushrooms thickly sliced
Kale finely chopped 
2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon butter
splash of lemon juice
salt and vegetable pepper
Saute above ingrediants together

Broil onion bagel with melted havarti cheese

dejan mustard 
horse radish
cilantro finely diced
majoram dried 

baked sweet potato fries 
Famous Dave's Sweet and Zesty BBQ sauce

Fruit and Berry smoothy (peaches, mango, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and blue agave)

Actually took 20 minutes to make myself a proper lunch, instead of just resorting to a depressing pb&j,  and then proceeded to eat it outside while admiring the captivating fall leaf colors while resisting the drooling dog Scarbur's attempt to sample my food.  

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Lucy Rose - Night Bus

Ah! English Accent English Music

When searching for Becoming a Jackal by Villagers, I discovered the youtube channel "watchlistentell" and the featured [musical] artists for the most part are fantastic. Lucy Rose is particularly delightful.

When driving down the road and someone coming from the opposite direction waves energetically at you it is partly confusing since they are strangers and partly nice to be greeted so warmly.

diyfashionNote: If you shrink a wool pullover sweater, just cut the front open in some way and add some personal unique touches then wear as a threequarterlength sweater.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Choosing the destiny of this moment

Forget making thoughtout projects and posts (because that is NOT me) from here on out it shall be random thoughts and random things.

Another thing,
Forget getting dressed up, when I turn 21, I'm wearing rollerskates and a bikini.

Norway by Beach House is a fantastic song. The singer is in fact a women, not a man as I had previously thought.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dancin' with the conventional T

T-shirts can be fun and laidback or can even be dressed up. What I want to do is take my toss-on everyday tees and give them a new stylish element. Got a few new ideas from threadbanger <> and all of their tshirt tutorials (found one I especially like from Compai) then I shall also try coming up with my own designs (will post pictures :-)). I will try everthing from applique to slashing.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Today is the day

Well, I've never had a blog before so this is my first one and this is my first post. Hopefully I'll become an active enough person to keep this updated with interesting and new things that I have done. Fingers crossed and eyes open, I start this something new.